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about me and this community business
The biggest toy I had in my youth was a cable! Ideally plugged into a socket!
Yes, ever since I was nine years old I've had these desires! And they only deepened over time.
From about the age of twenty, I was looking for, buying and assembling cables for myself and friends, and finding different possible connections wherever there was a socket.........
At thirty, it became a constant desire to keep trying, assembling, wiring.......... and shorting!
Well today, it's not better, it's a lot worse, it's a diagnosis!
I've been in this business for eighteen years. My goal is to find the best possible suspension for the customer. Because nowadays there are no longer explicitly bad cables, but only bad decisions by placing an unsuitable cable! Many of you already know that a cable is a full component and that is how we should treat it. Feel free to approach me with your problem, I'm happy to help, that's what I'm here for!
I will be very happy if you become a large community of people who have the desire to continually improve your system, and my endeavor will be to help you in every way!
Robert Helvich

Hifi studio ProMuzik
We have been operating as a hifi studio only for a very short time, basically since the new year (2021). But many of my customers, my friends, have been coming to me for a long time. Not only for cables and possible advice, but also to see what's new and breathe a little of the warm air from the monoblocks. Hifi studio focuses mainly on the sale of cables from cut length and also to supplement the range and set cables. Therefore, we do not sell any components. And this makes us different from all hi-fi studios all over the country. I believe that if you do something to the fullest, you shouldn't break it into more things, just because it "carries".
I have all sold cables and connectors in stock! This is again different from all hi-fi studios, so I don't have to order anything from those interested! If he wants a cable in place, I have about 20-30 of them available. Otherwise, I will make it and send it by the next day. I am willing to lend all the cables offered at home against a deposit !! You're not buying a hare in a sack. I currently offer 10 brands of about 120 types of cables, but in a short time I will offer more brands and custom cables. The company is the work of one person, so that's why… If you are interested in a cable, or stop, please always call me and we'll talk. All cables are displayed on this portal, which will greatly facilitate communication in your needs.
I look forward to your visit….