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Acoustic Revive Sensual 18000 power cable /in spool/

It's the best this Japanese company has to offer. Absolute perfection for payable money. So if you want the perfect cable, it's here! New wire production technology / rolled copper up to 80% compacted, highly polished wire still modified by annealing and triple technology and geometry TripleC / .... 101.90% wire purity, stored in special silk cotton .... together with a top connector the new generation of the Furutech brand, forms a perfect technological combo !! Don't be fooled by the price, this cable plays better than most set cables up to a hundred thousand ..... More

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320 € Including EARF and VAT

Description - Acoustic Revive Sensual 18000 power cable /in spool/

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After a few months of listening, I recommend this cable especially for lamp components, because it has a very interesting sound, which is just closer to quality lamp / single-action / creations. It is also suitable for listeners who do not need the accuracy and coherence of the presentation, but are looking for more musicality and the body of musical instruments. I do not recommend to fast and harder music, there is directly inappropriate. The sound is very pleasant, with reasonable dynamics, nice timing, but the sound image is kind of foggy. For jazz, blues, small ensembles, it doesn't matter at all, and for that you get just a large portion of overall music.

Acoustic Revive Hi-End power cable POWER SENSUAL-tripleC 18000. This is a new unfinished version of the award-winning Acoustic Revive POWER SENSUAL, now in an improved version with the unique TripleC. conductors. The same cable is available in a factory-discontinued version for 119,000. crown. This cable is therefore suitable for the own production of a power cable *** of excellent *** quality at a minimal price.

Area of ​​one conductor 5.6 m2
Total cable diameter 13.5mm
Including insulating foil with a diameter of one conductor of 5 mm
PC-tripleC driver, one line of superiority
- Implementation of an air-insulating structure, insulated with Teflon at an ultra-high CP price
- Shield made of copper foil, casing impregnated with tourmaline to prevent external noise

World news! A new "final" conductor was made using traditional Japanese forging processes.

Forging process
Copper is pressed to 80% by forging tens of thousands of times by successive pressure with a fixed angle and direction. (Method of forging with a constant angle of continuation of transmission). Using this forging process, the transverse boundary of the crystal grains changes and becomes more longitudinal, the crystals now having successive connections, making the current flow extremely smooth.

In addition, forging dramatically improves conductor density by destroying internal air grains. This in turn improves the conductivity and acoustic signature of copper.

Part of the wire before the forging process

Electric current flow: The crystal structure and grain boundaries that form in the transverse state disrupt the transmission of electric current and signal.

Thus, crystals and grain boundaries that have been in the transverse state elongate and become more longitudinal when repeatedly forged in the same direction.

By further continuous forging, the crystal structures and grain boundaries are longitudinally divided and aligned, which generates a smoother signal transmission.

Annealing process after core wire processing
PC-TripleC wire after the "Continuous Crystal Construction" process is further processed by the Transfer Forging method for thinner wire. Then the annealing process takes place under the control of temperature and time depending on the wire thickness. As a result, the crystals combine with each other and change into multiple consecutive crystals.
